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Get the visibility you need to take charge of your cyber risk with Coalition Control — the industry-leading risk management platform for every organisation. Best of all, Active Insurance customers receive full access.
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See how Coalition Control works to help you stay ahead of cyber threats
Habilitez vos clients à détecter, à évaluer et à atténuer les cyberrisques sur l’ensemble de leur empreinte numérique, y compris les actifs de données, les applications et services, les fuites de données et les risques d’hameçonnage. L’accès à Control est offert à tous les titulaires de police de Coalition.

Detect, assess, and mitigate your company’s risk
Coalition Control gives you an unparalleled view of your organisation's most pressing cyber risks and allows you to take action before they turn into attacks.
See your cyber threat landscape the way cybercriminals do
We routinely scan your organisation’s entire digital footprint, including data assets (like domains, IPs, and all 65k ports), apps & services, data leaks, and phishing risks, even your suppliers, alerting you to existing and emerging vulnerabilities.
Get better visibility into which risks matter most
Coalition Inc leverages machine learning and AI to analyze public data sources alongside the proprietary incident, claims, and infosec data to help you understand and prioritise the risks that matter most.
Resolve risks with AI-powered recommendations
We provide expert guidance, step-by-step remediation, security best practices, and even generative AI to help you mitigate cyber risks quickly. If an incident does occur, Coalition’s experts respond quickly to help your business recover.
Active protection pays off
Coalition offers cybersecurity capabilities not found in traditional insurance. We alert you to existing and
emerging threats, and help you reduce vulnerabilities so that you experience fewer events and claims.
58% reduction
in critical digital vulnerabilities*
64% fewer
claims than the cyber industry average*
64% fewer
claims than the industry average