Funds Transfer Fraud

Common Cyber Tax Fraud Schemes (and How to Help Mitigate Them)
During tax season, businesses tend to unknowingly lower their defenses to attackers — and almost all cyber tax fraud starts with a phishing email.

Coalition Clawbacks: Putting Stolen Funds Back in Policyholders’ Pockets
When threat actors commit funds transfer fraud, Coalition goes where others can’t to “claw back” stolen funds — recovering an average of $162K per FTF claim.

How Broker Roles Evolve Alongside Claims Trends
Businesses are getting hit harder and more often with cyber attacks — and they’re increasingly turning to their trusted brokers for guidance.

Security Alert: MFA Spamming Attacks Increase Cyber Claims
MFA fatigue, overwhelming users with constant authentication requests, can lead to cyber insurance claims. Learn what mitigations are available.

How Coalition Recovered $5.5M After Funds Transfer Fraud
After a Coalition policyholder mistakenly wired money to a fraudulent account, our claims team jumped into action and recovered 85% of the initial loss.